Your Source for Mental Health and Wellness Insights
Why I’m not setting 2025 new year’s resolutions.
I’m a mental health therapist and I don’t set New Year’s resolutions. Here’s why I think New Year’s resolutions often set us up for failure and why you may want to reconsider setting them yourself. 1. Most New Year’s resolutions are too lofty…
How expectations about progress may hinder the process.
In our fast-paced world, it's easy to fall into the trap of wanting quick results, especially when it comes to our mental health. We can easily ask ourselves, “when will I feel better?” or “why isn’t this working faster?” While these questions are understandable, they may create a sense of impatience that ultimately hinders our healing process.
Erin Drum, mental health and EMDR therapist in Salt Lake City, explores how our focus on progress might actually hinder our process.
The impact of trauma on relationships.
Healing from trauma is a journey that involves not only personal growth, but also navigating relationships in a new light. For many people, past experiences of trauma can significantly impact how they connect with others, often leading to difficulties in trust, intimacy, and communication. In this blog post, mental health and EMDR therapist in Salt Lake City, Erin Drum, will discuss ways in which trauma can impact relationships.
Why you need to “feel” to “heal.”
This might be a hard truth for some but if you want something to “heal” you have to be willing to “feel” it. Avoidance is the enemy of healing. Why is that? In this post, Erin Drum - mental health and trauma (EMDR) therapist in Salt Lake City - discusses why we need to "feel" to be able to "heal."
4 signs that your perfectionism might be related to past trauma.
Are you someone who likes things to be completely right, otherwise you become worried or frustrated or discouraged? Have people ever commented that you have “high expectations” for yourself? The need for perfection or to meet your high expectations for yourself can (not always) be related to past trauma or relationships. Erin Drum, LCSW - mental health therapist in Salt Lake City - discusses signs that your perfectionism might be related to your past.
5 common myths about EMDR therapy.
EMDR therapy has gained popularity in the last decade though it often misunderstood. My name is Erin and I’m a mental health and EMDR therapist in Salt Lake City and I’m here to dispel 5 common myths about EMDR therapy.
Four signs you may be ready to start trauma therapy.
You’ve been googling therapists, searching for “trauma therapists near me” or “EMDR therapy Salt Lake City,” and you’re wondering when you should finally take the plunge.
While there is no hard-and-fast rule to know when you’re ready to start therapy to address past trauma, here are four signs that you might be ready.
Reasons you struggle letting yourself rest.
Many people struggle to let themselves rest or let themselves use their paid vacation time. Erin Drum, LCSW — mental health therapist who provides EMDR therapy in Salt Lake City — describes some reasons that you might struggle with taking time off or even just letting yourself rest in a normal work-week.
Four reasons you might feel confused by your own emotions.
Do your own emotions feel confusing to you? Do you feel unsure about why you’re feeling certain emotions or having certain responses to things? Erin Drum, LCSW, mental health and EMDR therapist in Salt Lake City discusses possible reasons why you might be feeling confused by your own emotions.
4 signs you may be impacted by trauma without even realizing it.
I’m here to tell that you that you can be not displaying any formal symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and still be impacted by trauma. Yet, some of the ways trauma may be manifesting in your body, emotions, or relationships may be difficult to identify as being “trauma-related.” While not comprehensive by any means, here are some signs that you may be experiencing the impact of trauma.
How avoiding your emotions may be causing you more pain.
We’ve all been there — we’re facing a painful situation but it just seems like too much to actually give ourselves space and time to actually feel it. We pretend that avoiding this painful experience will make all of our uncomfortable feelings disappear. As good as this feels in the moment, refusing to acknowledge and accept our difficult emotions may actually be increasing our pain. Here’s why.
Why are we so hard on ourselves?
If you’re human like me (which I certainly hope you are), I’m sure that you’ve found yourself at some point or another caught in the crossfire of self-criticism and shame. Though we often show our close friends empathy and compassion when they make mistakes, we can be quick to beat ourselves up when we make a mistake or do something we don’t want to. In this blog post, we delve into some of the reasons behind why we often engage in self-criticism and self-scolding.
Common myths about going to therapy.
Even though our society has become more open to discussing mental health than in previous generations, there are still several widespread misconceptions about therapy that can hinder people from seeking the help they need. In this blog post, I’ll discuss and debunk some of the prevalent myths surrounding therapy.
Why I don’t like “New Year’s Resolutions.”
The image is so clear: your goals are set and this is the year you finally become a new person. You wake up on January 1st ready to tackle the world. But then… February 1st rolls around and you’re beating yourself up for already “failing” your goals. Does this sound familiar? It’s estimated that at least 80% of resolution makers have “failed” by February. You’re not alone. But should you consider doing something different this year?
Why therapy might feel “slow.”
You did it! Your google search for “therapy near me” or “EMDR in Salt Lake City” finally paid off. You’ve been seeing a therapist for a handful of weeks so far and you’re wondering, “Why does therapy feel slow? Am I doing something wrong? Is my therapist bad?”
Minimizing stress during holiday gatherings.
Taking care of your mental health when the seasons change.
How to manage stress when global events feel overwhelming.
With the constant flow of information through news channels and social media, it's easy to become overwhelmed by distressing stories… here are some strategies to help you manage stress when global events feel overwhelming.
What to expect in your first therapy session
You’re probably reading this because you’re unsure of what to expect in your first therapy session. And, if we’re being honest, you may even be nervous, which is completely normal. While I can’t speak for every therapist out there, here’s what you can expect when you meet for your first session with me.
How to find an EMDR therapist?
You’re reading this because you’re likely wondering how to learn more about EMDR and how to find a therapist who uses EMDR in Salt Lake City. Thankfully, you’ve come to the right place.