Four signs you may be ready to start trauma therapy.

You’ve been googling therapists, searching for “trauma therapists near me” or “EMDR therapy Salt Lake City,” and you’re wondering when you should finally take the plunge.

While there is no hard-and-fast rule to know when you’re ready to start therapy to address past trauma, here are four signs that you might be ready.

1. You notice it’s getting harder to avoid the impacts of what happened and you want to stop avoiding it. You used to be able to not let your job or your relationships be impacted but you’re finding it harder and harder to show up in the ways you want - whether that’s not being able to set boundaries, not being able to feel emotionally regulated, or not being able to open up. It feels scary but you’re ready to stop avoiding how this is impacting you.

2. You have a sense of willingness to open yourself up, to feel all the emotions, and let out the pain. While you don’t know exactly what that will entail and it feels a bit frightening, there’s a strong part of you that’s ready to release what you’ve been keeping inside.

3. You sometimes feel curiosity toward the parts of you that you’ve been trying to bury deep down. You sometimes notice yourself responding with curiosity - instead of self-judgment or fear - to the parts of you or the memories that you’ve been stuffing down.

4. You find my website and finally realize there’s a therapist who you could feel comfortable with. This is huge! Whether it’s me or it’s another therapist, you NEED to find someone who you feel like you’ll be comfortable with. Obviously this can take time, though you’ll want to at least feel a sense of openness or potential comfort with the therapist you choose.

If you found yourself nodding your head to at least 3 of these, you might be ready to start therapy for what's happened to you in your past.

Does this sound like you? If so, I'm here to help.

My name is Erin and I'm a mental health and trauma therapist in Salt Lake City who sees adults who have experienced trauma or are stuck in perfectionist, self-neglecting patterns. I'd love to start on this journey with you.

Schedule a free intro call with me today - no strings attached. Let's talk about helping you finally live the life you want.


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